Youtube is one of the most preferred website for watching videos and sharing videos. Most of us prefer to watch online videos, other prefer to share videos and some prefer to download and keep the clips as their memory. Its easy for the first two who want to watch and share but it becomes difficult for those who want to download the clips. Here is an easy way through which you can download any video easily. This can be done by following:
1. Download and install the latest version of Internet Download Manager.
Internet Download Manager is a great add-on for your web browser which increases the download speed by 5 times. It also helps you to pause/resume and schedule your downloads. It has got a great interface and is user friendly. It works with most of the browsers including IE, Firefox, Chrome, etc.
2. After you complete the installation, just open your browser and start searching for your favorite video on YouTube. You will see the download button on top of the video using which you can download it instantly.