Sunday, 3 March 2013

Windows 8 picture password

Windows 8 has come with many astonishing features that are unknown many of the computer users. The latest version of Windows is designed with touchscreen in mind, and one bright side of that evolution is the addition of features that make Windows more intuitive and easier to use on all devices. In the development of the OS full efforts were put on to strengthen the security of the computer. This resulted in the development of PICTURE PASSWORD. One of the most strong mechanism to crack or hack. Here I am going to detail on how to create your own most strong password for your computer. Follow my steps:

  1. From the Settings charm, tap or click Change PC settings and then tap or click Users.
  2. Under Sign-in options, tap or click Create a picture password and then follow the on-screen instructions.
Some tips to keep in mind:
  • Don't make a picture password harder than it needs to be. Keep the photo simple and choose shapes that are easy to remember and to draw. For example, it's easier to draw on a close-up photo of your favorite pet than to tap the right individual tulip in a garden scene each time.
  • A picture password is limited to three gestures, and these must be some combination of circles, straight lines, and taps. Again, it's a good idea to keep it simple. It's easier to tap one person's nose than to trace a city skyline.
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